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Unlocking Bootylicious Potential: How Squats Transform Your Body

Updated: Nov 7, 2023


Your glutes, consisting of the Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Medius, and Gluteus Minimus, are some of the most powerful muscles in your body. While they don't work in isolation, they play a crucial role in various essential movements. If you're looking to tone your butt, enhance your running speed, increase your lifting capacity, or even boost your metabolic potential, you're in the right place. In this blog, we'll explore effective ways to target and strengthen your glutes.

The Power of Squats:

Squats are the go-to exercise for working the glutes. They are versatile and suitable for individuals of all fitness levels, with the option to modify them to meet your specific needs. Squats not only target the glutes but also engage the hamstrings and lower back, improving your posture and strengthening your core.

Mastering the Basics:

Before diving into squats, it's essential to ensure you have the proper form. Stand in front of a full-length mirror to assess your alignment. There are two primary squat positions to consider:

1. Narrow Stance: In this position, your knee caps should align with your hip bones (ASIS), the bony protrusion at the front of your hip. Additionally, your knee cap should align with your second toe.

2. Wide Stance (Sumo Position): This involves placing your knees twice as wide as your hip bones. You can keep your feet parallel or turned out at a 30-degree angle. Research shows that both positions are effective, so choose the one that feels most comfortable for you.

Start by finding the stance that suits you best, and then focus on the depth of your squat. Remember, any amount of squatting will have a positive effect on your muscles. Gradually increase your range as you become more comfortable with the movement. However, avoid forcing yourself to go deeper until you've built sufficient core strength to maintain a stable back position while standing up.

Types of Squats:

You have several options when it comes to squats, depending on your goals and fitness level:

1. Half Squat: This variation involves lowering your hips until they are at the same level as your knees. It's considered safer for the knees and is recommended for individuals with knee issues.

2. Full Squat: In a full squat, your hips go lower than your knees, and your thighs and calves may touch. This variation is more challenging but can yield great results with practice.

Maintaining Proper Form:

Regardless of the type of squat you choose, it's essential to maintain correct form to prevent injury and maximise the benefits. Keep the following tips in mind:

  • Keep your back in a neutral position, similar to when you're standing.

  • Maintain a 45-degree angle to protect your back, or do a more upright goblet squat if you prefer.

  • Imagine wearing sunglasses and peep over them to position your head correctly.

  • Keep your chest open, heels planted firmly, and knees vertical over ankles, although they can move slightly forward over toes if this is more suitable for your lower back/hip angle.

  • Push from the floor, as if you're pressing it down, and stand up, ensuring your hips align with your shoulders. Breathe out as you push up to standing.

  • Try not to squat too wide with excessive turn out of feet if possible.

Adding Resistance:

You can perform squats with your body weight, often referred to as an "air squat." For balance, you can extend your arms in front of you. To increase the intensity, consider using dumbbells or barbells. There are two primary options:

Back Squat: Hold a plate, or dumbbell close to chest, or work with a bar and dumbbells to place on upper back, or squat machine. The back squat is a fundamental compound exercise that targets multiple muscle groups, including the quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, lower back, and core. It's essential to perform this exercise with proper form to ensure safety and maximise its benefits.

Step 1: Setup

1. **Rack Position:** Approach the squat rack and set the barbell at a height that aligns with your shoulders when you're standing. Ensure that the barbell is securely in place.

2. Grip: Stand facing the barbell, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Reach up and grip the bar with both hands, palms facing forward. Your hands should be positioned evenly on each side of the bar.

3. Bar Placement: Carefully step under the bar and position it across your upper back, resting on your trapezius muscles. The bar should be positioned just below the base of your neck and above the rear deltoids. Ensure that the bar is resting evenly across your upper back, not on your neck.

4. Elbows Down: Your elbows should be pointing down and slightly back. This will create a shelf with your upper back to support the barbell.

Step 2: The Descent

5. Stance: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. Your toes can be slightly turned outward, typically at about a 15 to 30-degree angle.

6. Brace Your Core: Take a deep breath, engage your core, and tighten your abdominal muscles. This will help stabilise your spine during the lift.

7. Initiate the Squat: Begin the squat by pushing your hips back and bending your knees simultaneously. This movement should resemble sitting back into a chair. Keep your chest up, and your back straight.

8. Depth: The depth of your squat can vary, but the most common goal is to achieve at least parallel thighs to the ground - this can be a challenge for a beginner, so squat to a point you feel in control. Or please continue descending until your hips are slightly below your knees or until your thighs are parallel to the ground, depending on your flexibility and comfort level.

Step 3: The Ascent

9. Lift: To return to the starting position, push through your heels and extend your hips and knees simultaneously. Maintain a straight back and keep your chest up as you rise.

10. Fully Extend: At the top of the squat, fully extend your hips and knees. Your back should be straight, and your chest should be up.

Tips and Safety Precautions:

- Maintain a neutral spine: Throughout the squat, it's crucial to keep your back in a neutral position, avoiding excessive rounding or arching.

- Use proper footwear: Wear flat-soled shoes or squat-specific shoes to provide a stable base for lifting.

- Warm up: Always warm up your muscles before performing heavy squats to reduce the risk of injury.

- Start with lighter weights: If you're new to back squats, begin with a weight that you can lift comfortably while focusing on form.

- Spotter: If you're lifting heavy weights, consider having a spotter to assist you in case you need help.

- Gradually progress: As you become more experienced and comfortable with the exercise, gradually increase the weight.

The back squat is a highly effective exercise for building lower body strength and muscle mass. It's essential to prioritize proper form and safety throughout your training. If you're new to back squats, consider seeking guidance from a knowledgeable coach or trainer to ensure you perform them correctly.

Deadlift: Deadlifting is a compound exercise that primarily targets the muscles in your lower back, glutes, hamstrings, and core. It's an excellent way to build strength and develop a powerful posterior chain. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to deadlift with proper form:

Step 1: Setup

1. Bar Placement: Approach the barbell, which should be placed on the floor. Stand with your feet about hip-width apart, so the barbell is positioned over the middle of your feet.

2. Grip: Bend at your hips and knees to lower yourself to the bar. Reach down and grip the bar with both hands. Your hands should be just outside your knees.

3. Hand Position:Your hands should be roughly shoulder-width apart. If you prefer, you can use a mixed grip, where one hand is overhand (palm facing you), and the other is underhand (palm facing away). This grip can help prevent the bar from rolling in your hands.

4. Foot Position: Your feet should be about hip-width apart with your toes pointing slightly outward. The barbell should be close to your shins.

5. Back Straight: Ensure your back is straight and your chest is up. Engage your core to maintain a neutral spine.

Step 2: The Lift

6. Lift Off: Take a deep breath, brace your core, and push through your heels to stand up, lifting the bar off the ground. Keep the bar close to your body throughout the lift.

7. Hips and Knees: As you lift, extend your hips and knees simultaneously. Your hips should rise at the same rate as your chest. Don't let your hips shoot up faster than your chest.

8. Fully Extend: At the top of the lift, stand tall with your hips and knees fully extended. Your shoulders should be back, and your chest should be up.

Step 3: The Descent

9. Hip Hinge: To lower the bar, initiate the movement by pushing your hips back, as if you're performing a hip hinge. Keep the bar close to your body as you lower it.

10. Bend Knees: Once the bar passes your knees, you can begin to bend your knees. Lower the bar to the floor under control, keeping your back straight and chest up.

Tips and Safety Precautions:

- Ensure proper form: It's essential to maintain a neutral spine throughout the lift to prevent injury.

- Start with lighter weights: If you're new to deadlifting, begin with a weight that you can lift comfortably. Focus on form and gradually increase the weight as you become more confident.

- Warm up: Always warm up your muscles before lifting heavy weights to reduce the risk of injury.

- Engage your core: Keeping your core tight throughout the lift provides stability and protects your lower back.

- Don't round your back: Avoid rounding your lower back, as this can lead to injury. Maintain a strong and straight back throughout the lift.

- Use proper footwear: Wear flat-soled shoes to provide a stable base for lifting.

- Seek guidance: If you're new to deadlifting, consider working with a knowledgeable coach or trainer to ensure proper form and technique.

Remember that deadlifting is a complex and demanding exercise, so it's crucial to prioritise safety and proper form. Gradually progress in weight as you become more experienced and confident with your deadlifts.

The number of repetitions you can complete will vary depending on the weight you use. For heavier weights, remember to exhale forcefully to engage your core and reduce internal pressure. If you need more guidance, consider visiting Weighted Workout or scheduling a session with a Personal Trainer at your local gym.

The Importance of Getting Off Your Butt:

As an extra motivator, recent research has shown that prolonged sitting can encourage the growth of fat cells in awkward spaces. Imagine crumpled paper. So, don't let your glutes suffer from the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle. Get off your chair and into the gym to maximize your booty's potential and overall health.


Incorporating squats into your fitness routine can be a game-changer for strengthening your glutes, enhancing your overall fitness, and improving your posture. Remember that form is key, and you can tailor your squatting routine to your fitness level and goals. Don't underestimate the power of this simple yet effective exercise in transforming your body. Get moving, and witness the incredible benefits of squats for yourself!


If you're new to squats or looking to improve your technique, and check out our Weighted Workout video on perfecting your squat form. You can access these videos in our Online Workouts section on our website at

Whether you're a beginner or just want to refine your skills, these resources will help you master the art of squatting for a stronger and healthier you.

  1. Lorenzetti, S., Ostermann, M., Zeidler, F. et al. How to squat? Effects of various stance widths, foot placement angles and level of experience on knee, hip and trunk motion and loading. BMC Sports Sci Med Rehabil10, 14 (2018).

  2. Fragala, Maren S.1; Cadore, Eduardo L.2; Dorgo, Sandor3; Izquierdo, Mikel4; Kraemer, William J.5; Peterson, Mark D.6; Ryan, Eric D.7. Resistance Training for Older Adults: Position Statement From the National Strength and Conditioning Association. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 33(8):p 2019-2052, August 2019. | DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000003230

  3. Myer GD, Kushner AM, Brent JL, Schoenfeld BJ, Hugentobler J, Lloyd RS, Vermeil A, Chu DA, Harbin J, McGill SM. The back squat: a proposed assessment of functional deficits and technical factors that limit performance. Strength Cond J. 2014;36:4.

  4. FRY, ANDREW C.; Smith, J. Chadwick; SCHILLING, BRIAN K.. Effect of Knee Position on Hip and Knee Torques During the Barbell Squat. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 17(4):p 629-633, November 2003.

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